So, I'm going to face that pile of recycle paper, cardboard and painted canvas and see if I can turn it into a fun daily journal of sorts.

Painted papers, bags and extra messed up copies of stuff
smaller bits of painted canvas
Not too sure how I'm going to actually proceed so it will be a surprise to us all, lol! I would like to do some sewing together of this stuff with some plain paper for journaling on too. And, of course, make some covers out of my cheerio boxes... As you can tell, I'm still in the planning stages. I'm hoping I can make it all come together into some fun journal representation of urban graffiti art recycling.
Or just whatever...! Ha! I was just thinking as I looked at the last photo, Your brain cells on a graffiti art diet...!
Stay tuned and I promise a fun ride. Also stay tuned for my secret, "Art Attack in Calif." or "Gorilla art visits from Oregon jungle..." (AAIC or GAVFOJ) What? I think this is my brain on graffiti spray paint, ha, ha, ha!
I always get goofier as I get close to going to So. Calif. Finally I will be able to celebrate being artsy and a little different. In spite of the beauty of the countryside here, the blaring fact remains that the locals are seriously lacking in originality and color. I have yet to meet anyone here who seems to have a true passion for life as I know it. Maybe that will change - I can always hope.
So, keep the light burning, the brushes moving and the paint cans spraying...
Forever in art, Jessica